January 1921

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01 - 0708 - 1415 - 2122-31
01-01-21M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters accompanied by Jim Palliser, Adam and Isheuktuk left this forenoon on a trip up country to visit their traps and to take in a few deer carcases. The party returned late on Friday afternoon with two loads of deer meat, nineteen foxes being got in all. M.L. Manning had one; W.J. Peters two, Jim Palliser three, Adam four, Isheuktuk seven, while two were got in Narluktuk's traps. On Saturday forenoon M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters were rationing the Mess and the Servants Wives. All the Inuit who were in for Christmas have gone after finishing their trading.
02-01-21 No event of any importance took place.
03-01-21 S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley, M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at work all day in office checking the books. Jim Palliser, Adam and Isheuktuk were at work on a new cometik until it was too dark to work outside when they started cleaning fox skins. Narluktuk at usual odd jobs.
04-01-21 S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley, M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at work all day in the office. Jim Palliser with Adam and Isheuktuk set off this morning after breakfast to visit their traps outside the harbour. Jim Palliser was the only one who had any luck getting three in his traps, the other two having to come back empty handed. Narluktuk and Jamassie "B" carrying water and at usual odd jobs.
05-01-21 S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley, M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at work all day in the office. Jim Palliser, Adam and Isheuktuk at work planing wood which is to be used for Mr. Cantley's room. In the afternoon Isheuktuk started work on some new dog harnesses.
06-01-21 S.J. Stewart trading with Inuit in the office with Jim Palliser interpreting. J. Cantley, M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at office work. Isheuktuk and Adam busy making new harnesses. In the afternoon S.J. Stewart at usual office work. Jim Palliser along with Isheuktuk and Adam making harnesses. Narluktuk and Jamassie "B" made a trip outside today to fetch in some mud for the cometiks.
07-01-21 S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley, M.L. Manning, and W.J. Peters engaged at office work all day. Jim Palliser at work on some ivory for S.J. Stewart. Adam and Isheuktuk putting mud on the Post cometiks. Narluktuk engaged at usual odd jobs.
08-01-21 S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley at work in the office. M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters after rationing Mess and servant's wives, cleaning up stores etc. set off to visit their traps up the lakes but found nothing but snow in their traps. Jim Palliser at work with Narluktuk cleaning fox skins. Adam and Isheuktuk making harnesses and putting the finishing touches to the mud runners they have put on the cometiks.
09-01-21 Nothing of any importance took place today.
10-01-21 S.J. Stewart did a little trading in the forenoon and was at work for the rest of the day at the usual office routine. J. Cantley engaged in office the whole day. M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at same except for a short time during the forenoon when they were serving in the store. Jim Palliser, Isheuktuk, Adam, and Jamassie "B" left early this morning on a trip to Saddlebacks. The trip is purely a seal hunting expedition to provide dog feed, the party also having been provided with a few trade goods with which to trade with the Inuit for any seal carcases they can spare. Narluktuk at work cleaning fox skins also at usual odd jobs.
11-01-21 S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley, M.L. Manning, and W.J. Peters at work in office all day. Narluktuk at work cleaning furs and at various odd jobs.
12-01-21 S.J. Stewart at work in office all day on usual work also doing a little trading in the forenoon. J. Cantley at same ­ M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters except for serving in the store for a short time in the forenoon, spent the whole day in the office. Narluktuk cleaning fox skins and at various odd jobs.
13-01-21 S.J. Stewart at usual office work also trading with Inuit in the forenoon. J. Cantley and W.J. Peters at work in office all day. M.L. Manning, except for serving in the store for a short time in the forenoon spent the day in the office. Narluktuk cleaning fox skins and at usual odd jobs.
14-01-21 S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley, M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at work in office all day. Narluktuk at work cleaning fox skins and at usual odd jobs.
15-01-21 S.J. Stewart and J. Cantley at work in office. M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters rationing mess and servants wives, cleaning up stores etc. Narluktuk cleaning fox skins and at various odd jobs.
16-01-21 No event of any importance took place today. Narluktuk left tonight for Lita's camp to fetch in 2 Post dogs which are out there.
17-01-21 S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley, M.L. Manning, and W.J. Peters at work in office all day. Jim Palliser along with the rest of the seal hunting party arrived at the Post about 4 o'clock this afternoon after a four days trip from Saddlebacks. The result of the trip was very disappointing, the only dog feed they had being what they got from Mukkivik who came in along with them to be ready to set out with Mr. Cantley on his return trip to Frobisher Bay.
18-01-21 S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley and W.J. Peters at work in office all day. S.J. Stewart also trading with the Inuit for a short time in the forenoon. M.L. Manning typeing, serving in store and getting the provisions for J. Cantley's trip to Frobisher Bay. Jim Palliser, with Isheuktuk, and Jamassie "B" set off this morning to visit their traps up country. Narluktuk carrying water and at various odd jobs around the Post. Adam and Mukkivik making cometic boxes and repairing their cometiks for the trip next week.
19-01-21 S.J. Stewart and J. Cantley at work in office also superintending provision of Frobisher Bay trip. W.J. Peters at work in office all day. M.L. Manning serving customers in store also getting ready provisions etc. for trip. Adam and Mukkivik making cometic boxes, getting their cometiks into best condition. Narluktuk cleaning and drying foxes also at usual odd jobs. Jim Palliser, Isheuktuk, and Jamassie "B" returned from their trip up country today. In all 12 foxes were brought back, Isheuktuk as usual leading with 8, Jim Palliser 2 while the remaining one was got in one of M.L. Manning's traps. Isheuktuk reported fox tracks as being very numerous.
20-01-21 S.J. Stewart, J. Cantley at work in office and superintending preparations for trip. M.L. Manning finished provisioning for the journey and was at work in the office in the afternoon. W.J. Peters set off with Narluktuk this morning to collect some of S.J. Stewart's traps up by the Lakes which he intends setting on the way across to Frobisher Bay. Jim Palliser putting a new set of linings in the kitchen stove also making a cometic box for S.J. Stewart. Isheuktuk making a piece for J. Cantley's binoculars which was broken. Narluktuk with the rest of the men on the Post who were not otherwise engaged, cleaning and drying fox skins. Adam and Mukkivik at work on their cometiks also making boxes for J. Cantley.
21-01-21 S.J. Stewart and J. Cantley at work in office ­ S.J. Stewart trading most of the forenoon ­ also getting all their gear ready to start on Monday morning. M.L. Manning serving customers in the store in the forenoon and at work in the office in the afternoon. W.J. Peters at work in the office all day. Jim Palliser at various odd jobs. Isheuktuk, Adam, and Mukkevik preparing their cometiks also making cometic boxes. Narluktuk with the rest of the men cleaning and drying foxes and carrying water etc.
22-01-21 S.J. Stewart trading with Inuit in office, Jim Palliser interpreting. J. Cantley getting his belongings fixed up for the trip. M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters serving customers in the store, rationing mess and servants wives etc. Adam, Isheuktuk along with the rest of the men who are to accompany J. Cantley fixing up their cometiks etc. Narluktuk cleaning and drying foxes also at various odd jobs.
23-01-21 Noting of any importance took place.
24-01-21 S.J. Stewart and J. Cantley left this morning about 9 o'clock on their trip to Frobisher Bay. Three cometiks in all set off, two accompanying J. Cantley and the other S.J. Stewart. Jim Palliser was also one of the party, it having been found necessary to send an interpreter to Frobisher Bay for a short time. M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at work in the office all day. Narluktuk and Jamassie "B"drying, cleaning and chalking foxes also at usual odd jobs.
25-01-21 M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at work in office all day. Narluktuk and Jamassie"B" cleaning, drying and chalking foxes also at usual odd jobs. Women on Post cutting up boot makings.
26-01-21 M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at work in office all day. Narluktuk and Jamassie"B" at work on foxes. Women on Post making boots.
27-01-21 M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at office work all day. Narluktuk and Jamassie"B"at work on foxes, carrying water, etc. Women on Post at work making boots.
28-01-21 M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at work in office all day. Narluktuk and Jamassie"B" cleaning, drying and chalking foxes also at various odd jobs. Women on Post making boots.
29-01-21 M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters rationing Mess and women on Post, cleaning up stores also transferring ammunition from the Depot to the Powder House. Narluktuk and Jamassie "B" at work on foxes, carrying water also at various odd jobs. Women on Post at work on boots.
30-01-21 Nothing of any importance took place today.
31-01-21 M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters spent the forenoon carrying ammunition from the Depot to the Powder House. The rest of the day was passed in the office at the usual work. Narluktuk and Jamassie"B" working on foxes catting water etc.