July 1920

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01 - 0708 - 1415 - 2122-31
01-07-20Schools of porpoises again appeared in the harbour today. Pudloo killed one and Sandy another. Eight boat loads of Inuit arrived today being able to come right on to the Pier as the harbour is now quite open. The families who arrived by aforementioned boats were, Navolia's, Maliktok's, Ikpeavik's, Mukkivik's, Yarley's, etc. S.J. Stewart, John Hayward and all regular Post servants with the exception of Koolilak and Godiliak were employed at the Depot store. L.A. Learmonth and C. Bradbury at work in office during forenoon and rationing wives and families of men who arrived today. Koolilak and Godiliak and all remaining Inuit on Post working at fuel and Island Crib.
02-07-20 S.J. Stewart at work at Depot store and superintending all work going on around the Post. C. Bradbury working in the office and at sundry odd jobs. L.A. Learmonth working in office. Remainder of Post servants and all the Inuit employed at the fuel and at Island crib.
03-07-20 The Daryl was launched this morning but owing to one or two delays was not got off to her moorings until the evening tide. C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth rationing Post servants and Labourers and Depot workers during forenoon. Remainder of Post Servants and Depot workers at launching of Daryl and later employed as on yesterday.
04-07-20 S.J. Stewart had the Daryl tried out today; her engine went fine after one or two minor troubles had been remedied. Usual Inuit services held by Kidlapik. Shorty and some other Inuit arrived during the early hours in the morning.
05-07-20 S.J. Stewart commenced operations on the outside crib which he is having built 40ft. further out from the Island than originally intended. Everyone on the Post with the exception of C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth were variously employed at Depot operations. C. Bradbury working in store and office. L.A. Learmonth at work in office.
06-07-20 S.J. Stewart and John Hayward with a crowd of Inuit employed laying in position the uprights for outside crib during the afternoon, and in the forenoon at various jobs in connection with the Depot. Isheuktuk, Mattheuse, Sargieuktuk and Moosa employed during the forenoon at jobs on the Depot and in the afternoon trying out the Daryl ­ everything going well. All remaining Inuit servants and Inuit labourers working at fill the head of which is steadily creeping out. C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth at work in office.
07-07-20 C. Bradbury rationing Daryl for trip to Stupart's Bay which S.J. Stewart intends to start in shortly. Crew of Daryl making preparations for aforementioned trip. All remaining hands on the Post employed as on yesterday.
08-07-20 The Daryl left about 10 pm on the trip to Stupart's Bay to fetch some goods which are running pretty low at the Post and at the same time to bring back that Post's books and annual A/C's. John Hayward, Isheuktuk, Mattheuse, Moosa and Sargieuktuk form the Daryl's crew. S.J. Stewart superintending all building operations and at work on the outside crib where the work is going ahead well. All remaining Inuit on the Post variously employed on building operations. C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth working in store. 2 Seals and 1 Sq. Flipper were got in the nets today.
09-07-20 S.J. Stewart and a party of Inuit employed at construction of outside crib which is now more than half finished. All remaining hands on the Post employed exactly as on yesterday.
10-07-20 S.J. Stewart and party of Inuit at work on the outside crib. C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth issuing rations to wives of Post servants and Depot workers. Mooney and L.A. Learmonth and Jamessie rolling oil barrels to convenient place for handling.
11-07-20 Usual Sunday services held by Kidlapik.
12-07-20 S.J. Stewart superintending all work going on and at work on the outside crib. Isheuktuk, Mattheuse, C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth painting Nannuk's spars, bulwarks, etc. John Hayward fixing backdoor of Depot store and at work on crib. Mooney and Jamessie filling barrels with seal oil, and rolling same to convenient place for handling. Adam, Lita, Matto and a few more Inuit putting double floor in Depot store. Remainder of men and women on the Post working at the fill and at outside crib, and sundry other jobs in connection with Depot operations. The Daryl returned from Stupart's Bay during the very early hours. John Hayward reports that the catch of fur there for the winter is very poor.
13-07-20 Mattheuse, Sargieuktuk and Sandy visited the Post seal nets and brought back 6 Jars and 1 Sq. Flipper they also put out another net. S.J. Stewart as usual working on outside crib which is now practically completed. C. Bradbury painting Nannuk's cabin. John Hayward, Adam, Lita, Navolia and Mukkevik and Okkoleuk fixing Depot store floors and doors. L.A. Learmonth fixing Depot store windows. Mooney scraping White Fox masts. Jamessie cleaning sealskins. Remainder of men and women working at Depot operations.
14-07-20 Owing to the heavy rain the work on the Depot was considerably delayed. Nevertheless a good deal was done during the forenoon when the rain was not so heavy as to cause a complete stoppage of work. S.J. Stewart and his gang got everything ready for bridging the gap between the Island and outside crib, trestles, beams, etc. and but for the dirty weather would have completed it this evening. C. Bradbury giving the finishing touches to Nannuk's cabin. L.A. Learmonth replacing broken panes of glass in carpenters shop windows. John Hayward making handles for Depot store doors, etc. Adam and Maliktok making an approach to Depot store door. All remaining men and women on the Post at various duties on Depot construction so long as the weather permitted.
15-07-20 During the afternoon the Nannuk was hauled down to the end of her ways and got ready to be taken off to her moorings with tomorrow evenings tide. All hands were of course engaged at above part of the afternoon. S.J. Stewart and his gang finished bridging the gap between the island and the outside crib. C. Bradbury painting Nannuk's sign etc. L.A. Learmonth repairing broken windows. John Hayward, Adam, Isheuktuk, Mattheuse, Annogok, Moosa, Sargieuktuk, and Maliktok engaged on preparations for launching Nannuk. Remainder of hands on Post engaged at the Fill and various other jobs in connection with Depot construction. Navolia, Atsetuk, and Yarley left for Pilots Point to await the Nascopie.
16-07-20 S.J. Stewart and gang working at bridge between the Island and outside crib. John Hayward working at Nannuk's gear and at work on the bridge. Adam, Isheuktuk, Mattheuse, Annogak working at Nannuk's gear. Lita and Adam "A" painted Nannuk's top masts and main boom. Jamassie and Sandy raking grounds around the Post and at sundry odd jobs. Mooney at work on Depot Fill and at odd jobs. L.A. Learmonth repairing windows and counting and stenciling salt to be shipped to Wolstenholme. C. Bradbury making and painting sign board for Depot Store. All remaining men and women on the Post at work on the Fill.
17-07-20 S.J. Stewart, John Hayward and usual gang commenced to mount the crane on the outside crib and should complete same by Monday. Isheuktuk painting various parts of the Nannuk and trying out her engine. Mattheuse and Moosa painting faces of stores etc. Mooney working at Depot Fill and at sundry odd jobs. Jamassie and boys cleaning up Post grounds. Nannuk's crew working on gear and at outside crib. Remainder of men and women working at the Depot Fill, and at sundry other jobs in connection with Depot construction. C. Bradbury rationing women and at sundry odd jobs. L.A. Learmonth rationing Women and stenciling Oil and Porpoise casks.
18-07-20 Usual services held by Kidlapik.
19-07-20 Owing to the very wet weather, painting of the House and Store had to be postponed. S.J. Stewart, John Hayward and usual gang working at crane on outside crib. Nannuk's and Daryl's crew rigging out Nannuk which they almost completed. Jamassie, Mooney and the boys cleaning up the Post grounds. C. Bradbury painting and lettering Coy. Sign for Depot store etc. L.A. Learmonth stenciling Porpoise and Seal Oil casks also painting names on White Fox and Daryl. Remainder of men and women on Post working at the fill.
20-07-20 The Nannuk's engine was tried out today and one of the pistons was found to give a little trouble. The construction of the Depot is now nearing completion and by the end of the week will in all probability be in a fit state for receiving cargo. S.J. Stewart and gang at work on outside crib and crane. A gangway has now been completed from the head of the wharf to low-water-mark. John Hayward, Moosa and Mattheuse painting windows and doors of Depot store. Mooney and Jamassie tarring roof of Depot. Nannuk's crew putting finishing touches to her gear etc. Sargieuktuk and Matto painting the House. C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth cleaning up stores and painting. Remainder of men and women working at the Depot Fill.
21-07-20 S.J. Stewart and his gang completed the outside part of the pier and the crane. The outside part of the pier is now in readiness to receive cargo. John Hayward repairing salmon boat and at sundry odd jobs. Nannuk's crew at various jobs aboard the Nannuk. Sargieuktuk, Matto, Moosa, and Mattheuse painting windows and doors etc. of the stores and house. Nowdlak and Mooney and Sammy tarring roof of Depot store and shop etc. C. Bradbury unpacking and repacking Porpoise hides and putting Coy. Sign over Depot store etc. L.A. Learmonth packing porpoise hides, stenciling barrels, painting etc. Remainder of men and women on Post at work on the Depot Fill.
22-07-20 Because of the approach of ice S.J. Stewart sent out Adam and a crew of Inuit to take in the seal nets. John Hayward and the Nannuk's crew put up partitions in the Depot store for the various Posts of the district. S.J. Stewart, C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth at work in the office. Mooney and Jamassie with the boys cleaning up around the Post. Remainder of men and women on the Post at work on the Fill.
23-07-20 The drift continues to come in and some of it is now almost as far as Hawks Head. S.J. Stewart, C. Bradbury, and L.A. Learmonth working in the office. John Hayward and Nannuk's crew took one of the rafts to pieces and used the board to finish the flooring of outer part of the Pier also putting up Nannuk's top sail. Remainder of men and women at work on Fill.
24-07-20 Very heavy ice is now packed in all along the coast as far as the eye can see from the top of the hill at the back of the Post. The Pier was completed during the forenoon and is now in readiness for receiving cargo. S.J. Stewart at work in the office. C. Bradbury giving out rations to the Depot workers and painting. L.A. Learmonth giving out rations to Depot workers and at work in the office. John Hayward and Nannuk's crew as well as all remaining hands on the Post at work on the Fill during the forenoon.
25-07-20 Owing to the large ice entering the Harbour today the White Fox had to be hauled up. Pudloo held service twice today.
26-07-20 S.J. Stewart interviewing Inuit. John Hayward interpreting. C. Bradbury trading with Inuit in the store. L.A. Learmonth at work in the office. Mooney cleaning up workshops. Sargieuktuk and Sammy oiling roof of dwelling house. Adam, Mattheuse, Lita, and Annogak repairing and painting canoes and doors. All remaining Post hands and Inuit on Post at work on the Pier.
27-07-20 Most of the ice has been carried out of the Harbour. S.J. Stewart, C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth working in the office and painting the guardroom. John Hayward painting and at sundry odd jobs. The Daryl's crew went out to the cape to bring in a boat from there. Remainder of Post hands at various jobs such as painting, tarring roofs of office and Isheuktuk's house etc. All remaining Inuit repairing wall in front of store and at various other odd jobs about the Post. [Stewart's 27thbirthday].
28-07-20 Four men were sent out seal hunting today and succeeded in getting a few seals. S.J. Stewart and L.A. Learmonth at work in the office. C. Bradbury working in the store and painting in the House. Isheuktuk making spare [b]inders for the books. John Hayward repairing office lamp and making box. Mooney and Itosiak cleaning up around the Post. Remaining Post hands whitewashing Isheuktuk's house, Depot Kitchen, repairing tools, repairing oars, cutting large oars to fit small boats and canoes. All Inuit off hunting.
29-07-20 The Daryl and regular crew went out to Oulatchevik to fetch in some Inuit boats from there. S.J. Stewart, C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth at work in the office. John Hayward at sundry odd jobs about the house. Mooney cleaning up around the Post. Remainder of Post hands at sundry odd jobs. Nearly all the Inuit were off seal hunting. A couple of Inuit hunters speared a Narwhal from their kayaks this morning but failed to kill him, and so lost their spears.
30-07-20 S.J. Stewart, C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth employed in the office. Most of the Inuit off seal hunting. Remaining hands on Post employed as on yesterday.
31-07-20 S.J. Stewart making up Indents. C. Bradbury and L.A. Learmonth giving out Rations and at work in the office. John Hayward making up a stationary box etc. Remaining servants cleaning windows of stores and putting out seal nets.