October 1920

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01 - 0708 - 1415 - 2122-31
01-10-20S.J. Stewart, Isheuktuk Jas. Palliser with gang of Inuit building new house. M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at work in office.
02-10-20 S.J. Stewart with Post Labourers as on yesterday. W.J. Peters and M.L. Manning rationing mess and servants wives also cleaning up stores etc. Mooney at usual house jobs.
03-10-20 Rev. A. L. Fleming held service here in the forenoon.
04-10-20 S.J. Stewart at work in office. M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at part office work also carrying up all perishable goods from the store to the house. Jas. Palliser along with Post Labourers at work building new house. Mooney, Narluktuk and Sammy were out at the seal nets in the afternoon and got nothing.
05-10-20 S.J. Stewart M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at work in office. Jas. Palliser along with men on Post at work on new house. Mooney as usual odd jobs. A presentation was made to F. Melton (Dorset)in the evening on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of his birthday when an illuminated address was presented to him by Rev. A. L. Fleming as a token of our appreciation of the event.
06-10-20 S.J. Stewart, M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at work in office. Jim Palliser with Post Labourers at work on new house. Mooney at usual odd jobs. The Daryl arrived in the evening from a trip to Pleasant Inlet. They brought back 19 seals which the crew shot on the trip.
07-10-20 S.J. Stewart, M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at work in the office. Jim Palliser at work with Post Labourers on new house. Mooney at odd jobs. The Nascopie arrived here about 6P.M. from her trip down the bay. She had quite a few passengers on board ­ the majority of whom were going out on furlough.
08-10-20 S.J. Stewart at work in office with Mr. Parsons. M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters with Jim Palliser unloading freight from Nascopie and shipping on board the yearly returns. This was finished by 6P.M. Rev. A. L. Fleming, Mr. Storkenson, and [M]F. Melton went on board ship in the evening­ the captain's intention being to sail early in the morning.
09-10-20 The Nascopie sailed this forenoon about 9:30A M. on her return journey. S.J. Stewart at work in office. M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters rationing mess and servants wives. Mooney at usual odd jobs.
10-10-20 Kidlapik held usual services in the morning.
11-10-20 S.J. Stewart, M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at work in office. Jim Palliser and Isheuktuk with gang of Post Labourers at work on new house. Adam, Lita and Maliktok putting clapboard on outside walls of office and house. Mooney at usual house jobs.
12-10-20 S.J. Stewart, M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters at office work. Jas. Palliser and Isheuktuk with usual gang at work on new house. Adam, Lita and Maliktok putting new floor in No. 2 store. Mooney getting gear ready for hauling up of Nannuk.
13-10-20 In the morning all hands turned out to haul up the Nannuk but owing to the tides being too small, we were unable to get the vessel on to her cradle. Sargieuktuk and crew of Daryl then set to work to get the Daryl ready for hauling. In the meantime, Adam, Lita and Maliktok at [. . . ] and Isheuktuk and usual gang employed building porch on new house. S.J. Stewart, W.J. Peters and M.L. Manning at office work. In the afternoon after 1½ hours hard work the Daryl was hauled up into her winter quarters and servants etc. went at their work as before. Adam with the Nannuk's crew employed in the afternoon building extension to the Nannuk's slip (30 ft. ) So that there will be no more delay in hauling her up tomorrow.
14-10-20 The Nannuk was successfully hauled up in the afternoon. She was a particularly heavy job this year owing to the small number of Inuit we had on the Post. The tides are not at their full meantime, but this fact was successfully overcome by the extension built on the vessel's slips yesterday which enabled us to get the vessel on the ways without any difficulty.
15-10-20 S.J. Stewart trading with Inuit. W.J. Peters and M.L. Manning spent the whole day in the store serving customers. Jas. Palliser interpreting to Mr. Stewart. Koolilak, Matto, Adam and Mattheuse went off seal hunting and got 7 seals between them. Yarley, Narluktuk and Simon finishing new floor in No. 2 store. The remaining men on Post at work on new house.
16-10-20 S.J. Stewart laying off Inuit. W.J. Peters and M.L. Manning serving in store. Jas. Palliser interpreting for S.J. Stewart. Adam finished putting new floor in No. 2 store. Malikta's, Navolia's, Moosa's and Lita's boats left for trapping grounds today. Mooney having left the Post with Lita, Narluktuk has been appointed Post Boy.
17-10-20 Kidlapik held usual Inuit services.
18-10-20 S.J. Stewart and M.L. Manning at work in office. W.J. Peters at work painting one of the spare rooms. Jim Palliser indisposed. Narluktuk at usual house jobs. Simon's and S[o]nnealuk's boats left for trapping grounds today.
19-10-20 Today everyone who could get away were off putting out traps although as far as reports go the foxes are not yet in prime. S.J. Stewart, M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters set 5 each up in the lakes. Jim Palliser who was able to get around today visited the seal nets along with Adam and Narluktuk, setting a few traps in the islands out there ­ 3 seals were got in the net. In the afternoon S.J. Stewart and M.L. Manning were at work in the office. W.J. Peters painting spare room.
20-10-20 S.J. Stewart and M.L. Manning at work in office. W.J. Peters painting spare room. Jim Palliser indisposed having contracted a bad cold. Narluktuk at usual house jobs.
21-10-20 S.J. Stewart, M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters visited the traps today ­settinganother 3 each. In all 4foxes were got ­ M.L. Manning getting three and W.J. Peters one, but as expected all were pups and none of them were in prime. Jim Palliser with Narluktuk, Adam and Isheuktuk putting up storm windows.
22-10-20 S.J. Stewart and M.L. Manning at work in office. W.J. Peters finishing painting of spare room. Jim Palliser with Adam, Isheuktuk and Narluktuk visited their traps but had no luck.
23-10-20 S.J. Stewart at work in office. M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters rationing mess and servants wives also tidying up stores etc. Jim Palliser, Adam, Isheuktuk and Narluktuk went off seal hunting & to visit their traps. Four seals were got while Adam got 1 fox. In the afternoon S.J. Stewart, M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters visited their traps. S.J. Stewart [. . . ].
24-10-20 Very quiet day. In the evening the sky cleared and a strong blustering wind set in from the North.
25-10-20 S.J. Stewart, W.J. Peters and M.L. Manning at office work. Jas. Palliser, Isheuktuk and Adam working at new house. Narlucktuk making dog harnesses.
26-10-20 In the morning, until ten o'clock all hands employed hauling up whale boat and fixing up the small boats for the winter. Later W.J. Peters, S.J. Stewart and M.L. Manning at office work. Isheuktuk and Adam moving the former's furniture into his new house. Jas. Palliser making bed for his new house. Narlucktuk at odd jobs.
27-10-20 S.J. Stewart, W.J. Peters and M.L. Manning at office work. Adam movingintoIsheuktuk's old house and odd jobs. Isheuktuk at odd jobs. Jas. Palliser making new bed and moving his furniture into new house. Narlucktuk at odd jobs.
28-10-20 S.J. Stewart, W.J. Peters and M.L. Manning at office work. Jas. Palliser, Adam, Isheuktuk and Narlucktuk went to the Seal Nets and got 10 Seals; they also shot three. After picking up their nets they also visited their traps, Isheuktuk and Adam procuring 1 Fox each.
29-10-20 Jas. Palliser and Adam putting up beaver board in Mr. Stewart's bedroom. S.J. Stewart and W.J. Peters at office work. M.L. Manning at office work. Narlucktuk drying fox skins and sundry odd jobs. Last night the harbour was caught over. Isheuktuk making sundry furniture for new house.
30-10-20 S.J. Stewart at work putting beaver board strips in his room and painting the walls. M.L. Manning and W.J. Peters rationing mess and servants wives and tidying up store. In the afternoon M.L. Manning paid a visit to S.J. Stewart's, W.J. Peters's and his own fox traps bringing back one pup which had been caught in one of Mr. Stewart's traps.
31-10-20 Nothing of any importance happened.